Gamification | Game4Dev MOOC
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gamification, mooc
About This Project

A number of organizations are using gamification to train workers, educate students, solve problems, and generate new ideas and concepts. These organizations range from business schools to software companies, to government organizations and beyond. In almost every industry it is possible to find an example of the gamification of learning, innovation and problem solving.

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Most of the resources available on the web regarding the use of Gamification focus on how to integrate game elements for increasing engagement in the private sectors, customers affiliation, problem solving. Since 2013 Coursera is also delivering a MOOC on Gamification facilitated by Kevin Werbach, Associate Professor at the University of Pennsylvania. Despite the access to excellent resources to better understand and apply gamification techniques, the course mainly focuses on businesses. Professor Werbach also published the book “For the Win: How Game Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business”.


Leveraging on the experience of the Crowdfunding for Development MOOC (CF4Dev), the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITCILO) is planning to launch in 2016 the Game4Dev MOOC aiming at:

• Providing a knowledge sharing platform for learning and development professionals to foster exchange around gamification for tackling development problems;
• Crowdsourcing ideas around the gamification for development topic through the co-creation of new resources and materials.